How to develop a Site-to-Site VPN in Terraform

To develop a site-to-site VPN utilizing Terraform, you can utilize the aws_vpn_gateway and aws_vpn_connection resources from the AWS company. Here’s an example Terraform setup to develop a site-to-site VPN:

 resource "aws_vpn_gateway" "vpn_gateway" {
vpc_id="<< VPC_ID>>".
tags = {

resource "aws_vpn_connection" "vpn_connection" {
customer_gateway_id="<< CUSTOMER_GATEWAY_ID>>".
vpn_gateway_id = aws_vpn_gateway. vpn_gateway. id.
static_routes_only = real.

tags = {

resource "aws_vpn_connection_route" "vpn_connection_route" {
destination_cidr_block="<< DESTINATION_CIDR_BLOCK>>".
vpn_connection_id = aws_vpn_connection. vpn_connection. id.

In the above Terraform setup, you require to change << VPC_ID>> with the ID of the VPC where the VPN entrance will be connected, << CUSTOMER_GATEWAY_ID>> with the ID of the client entrance representing the remote website, and << DESTINATION_CIDR_BLOCK>> with the CIDR block of the remote network you wish to link to.

This setup produces a VPN entrance ( aws_vpn_gateway), a VPN connection ( aws_vpn_connection), and a VPN connection path ( aws_vpn_connection_route). The VPN entrance is connected to the defined VPC, and the VPN connection is related to the client entrance and the VPN entrance. The VPN connection path defines the location CIDR block that need to be routed through the VPN connection.

As Soon As you have the Terraform setup all set, you can initialize the Terraform job, prepare the facilities modifications, and use them utilizing the Terraform CLI. The VPN resources will be provisioned based upon the setup offered.

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