Lendi Institute of Engineering and Innovation (LIET) School Experience

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Intro: The journey of FarmBuddy, our agrotech-themed site, took an exciting turn as our group from Lendi Institute of Engineering and Innovation (LIET) protected an area in the local round of the Fixing for India Hackathon in Bengaluru. While we might not have actually gotten approved for the ending, our accomplishment of making it to level 2 as one of the leading 15 groups in the area was a testimony to our devotion, development, and ruthless pursuit of our vision. In this short article, I will share the motivating story of FarmBuddy’s journey, showcasing the indispensable lessons we found out and the development we experienced throughout the competitors.

  1. Institute-Level Level Shortlisting: The journey started when FarmBuddy captured the attention of the judges throughout the institute-level round. Our service, which intended to empower farmers by linking them straight with consumers and removing intermediaries, was acknowledged for its prospective to transform the farming sector. This preliminary recognition sustained our decision to take FarmBuddy to the next level.
  2. Receiving the Regional Round: With our sights set on Bengaluru, we prepared ourselves for the local round, completely familiar with the intense competitors that awaited us. The local round acted as a platform to display our service to a wider audience and gain important feedback from market specialists. The journey to Bengaluru was a testimony to our effort, enthusiasm, and capability to work together successfully as a group.
  3. Level 1 Accomplishment: Although the competitors was difficult, our determination settled as we effectively got approved for level 1 of the regionals. This accomplishment was a recognition of the ingenious thinking, technical expertise, and analytical abilities that we had actually taken into establishing FarmBuddy. It strengthened our belief in the prospective effect our service might have on the farming community.
  4. Protecting an Area in Level 2: While the journey to the ending avoided us, our strength and dedication made us a well-deserved area in Level 2 as one of the leading 15 groups in the area. This achievement showcased the development we had actually made and the development we had actually experienced throughout the competitors. It was a pointer that success is not exclusively specified by reaching the supreme objective however by the lessons found out and the effect made along the method.
  5. Lessons and Development: Taking Part In the Fixing for India Hackathon was a transformative experience for our group. It taught us the significance of determination, versatility, and strength in the face of obstacles. We found out to accept feedback as a tool for enhancement and improved our technical abilities through constant knowing. Furthermore, the competitors exposed us to the lively tech neighborhood in Bengaluru, enabling us to construct important connections and broaden our horizons.

Conclusion: Although our journey in the Fixing for India Hackathon might not have actually ended in the ending, the experience was an important turning point in our scholastic and individual development. The accomplishment of getting approved for the local round and protecting an area in level 2 showcased the capacity of FarmBuddy and the decision of our group. The lessons found out, the connections made, and the development experienced will certainly form our future undertakings as we continue to pursue development in the agrotech domain. FarmBuddy’s journey is a testimony to the power of determination and the belief that every advance brings us closer to recognizing our vision of changing the farming landscape.

While the ending might have avoided us, FarmBuddy’s journey exhibits that the real procedure of accomplishment lies not in prizes, however in the understanding got, connections made, and the enthusiasm fired up within us

Last Upgraded:
04 Jul, 2023

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