Letter to the Editor: Difference required in reports about tuna


I am annoyed that Customer Reports and other business will not differentiate us and other little manufacturers who use a premium giant captured canned tuna. Yes it costs more cash and no it is not in every shop in the United States. Given that our tuna is canned in the U.S.A., it is going to cost more cash to be produced and is produced under more rigorous processing requirements.

Not all albacore in the can is the exact same either. We provide you young and fatty, low mercury, high omega 3, sustainably captured albacore tuna.

Our really expert team is paid well. This naturally contributes to our expense of production.

Albacore tuna move out of our fishing zone into tropical water at age 3-5 roughly. This truth mostly discusses how it is that we are capturing just the young albacore (under 5 years of ages.)

This is among the most sustainable fishing approaches worldwide, practically no other types are captured utilizing this technique. If you buy cheaper tuna from huge manufacturers, typically you are acquiring longline captured tuna. Longline fishing captures the older bigger albacore (and considerable other types) in tropical water. These albacore have actually been gathering mercury throughout their 15-20 year life and have actually developed mercury in their system.

We do evaluate our tuna for mercury, our outcomes are published on our site tunatuna.com.

Not all albacore are the exact same. I fished albacore on the St. Jude for 15 years, throughout that time I observed that the albacore we capture are little (a great journey average is 15 pounds per fish.) Additional screening has actually suggested that these fish have high omega 3 and selenium.

We comprehend and are sorry for that not everybody can manage to purchase canned tuna processed in the United States that is captured by anglers who are paid relatively. However we wish to produce awareness that low-cost tuna is a bad thing on numerous levels.

You can discriminate in between these photos, ours is the canned tuna on the right. The fat from the tuna is glowing and

The meat is strong because the fish is prepared from raw in the can. You will observe that the muscle in the “other” can is seperated, this is due to the fact that the fish is traditionally processed– pre prepared (entire) prior to filling the can. In this technique the fish is steam prepared while round (to prevent the expenditure and loss of healing indicated by filleting.) The result of this processing technique on the taste and material of the meat is inescapable.

Our tuna is effectively dealt with and canned in the United States. Thank you all for your assistance.

Joseph and Joyce Malley St. Jude tuna

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