Where I See the Rate of Gold Going Depend Upon THIS …

There’s a grand experiment occurring in the worldwide monetary system– and the majority of people have no concept it’s occurring.

Mike takes a seat with Julia La Roche for a prompt conversation about the huge fiat currency issue. Simply put, there has actually never ever been a time in world history where ALL currencies have actually been fiat currencies, like we see today. History reveals us that when a currency ends up being fiat, it’s simply a matter of time prior to it ends up being useless.

What is the future of the dollar if that takes place? What would an international financial shift appear like? And what will that indicate for the cost of gold?

Mike’s response may shock you.

Have a look at Mike’s discussion with Julia for the complete story.

Mike Maloney is host of the blockbuster video series, Hidden Tricks of Cash; previous Rich Dad/Poor Daddy consultant; author of the very popular rare-earth elements book, Guide to Purchasing Gold and Silver, and creator of GoldSilver.com— an international leader in rare-earth elements financial investments. For more than a years, Mike’s took a trip the world sharing his financial insights with audiences from Hong Kong to Rome and from Silicon Valley to Wall Street. Get a copy of his brand-new book

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